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2 of my kids
My  oldest Grand Son
My youngest Grandbaby
My oldest son, his wife and daughter, my grand-daughter
my mother in law
My husband in his green environment


"I come from a proud military & first responder family I want to work for you. We need to create more living wage jobs locally, improve our schools, Keep Margate Green, be transparent, hold people accountable, and collaborate more -  I have lived in Margate for over 3 decades.  I have experience as a business owner on Forbes top rated Executive Recruiting Companies, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated problems and issues, and get things done."



As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to 

  • Advocate for Increased Funding: Commissioners can actively advocate for increased funding for public schools. They can work with other local officials to allocate more resources to education, ensuring that schools have the necessary funds for quality programs, infrastructure, and teacher salaries.

  • Budget Allocation: Commissioners directly influence the county budget. By allocating a significant portion of the budget to public schools, they can support essential services, such as hiring and retaining qualified teachers, improving facilities, and providing necessary supplies

  • Engage with School Boards: Commissioners should actively engage with local school boards. They can attend school board meetings, listen to concerns, and work collaboratively to address challenges.

  • Monitor School Performance: Commissioners can oversee school performance by requesting regular updates from school administrators. They can assess academic outcomes, safety measures, and resource allocation.

  • Advocate for Equity: Commissioners should advocate for equitable distribution of resources across schools. This includes ensuring that schools in economically disadvantaged areas receive adequate support

  • Policy and Decision-Making:

  • Policy Advocacy: Commissioners can advocate for policies that benefit students and schools. This may involve supporting initiatives related to teacher training, curriculum development, and student well-being.

  • Facility Planning: Commissioners play a role in approving school construction projects. They can ensure that new facilities are strategically located, well-designed, and equipped to meet educational needs.

  •  local commissioners have the power to influence education policy, allocate resources, and champion community-based solutions. By actively engaging with schools and advocating for positive changes, they contribute significantly to improving the quality of education for all students.🌟

As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to
  •  Advocate for vulnerable populations by working with court-appointed ad litems and other legal representatives to ensure their healthcare needs are met. Establish a support network for individuals without local family.

  • Hospital Safety: Implement safety initiatives at NorthWest Hospital by promoting best practices, improving patient care standards, and ensuring adequate staffing and training.

  • Smart Development: Advocate for smart development that includes healthcare facilities in Margates.  We have an entire area that is dedicated to healthcare.  We should take advantage of this. 

  • Support Families: Focus on assisting families, especially those economically underserved. Address challenges such as the affordability of childcare, which impacts parents’ ability to work and access healthcare.

As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to
  • Community Involvement: Engage with community groups like Margate Matters News and Updates to organize environmental initiatives such as community cleanups and tree planting drives.

  • Smart Development: Advocate for smart development that balances growth with environmental preservation, ensuring new businesses and housing do not encroach on green spaces.

  • Family Programming: Expand family-oriented programs that educate and involve residents in sustainability efforts, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship.

  • Policy and Planning: Implement policies that protect green spaces and promote the development of parks and recreational areas, while also considering the creation of an emergency manager position to coordinate efforts during environmental crises.

These actions can help safeguard Margate’s natural assets and ensure they remain for future generations to enjoy. Remember, once lost, these green spaces cannot be reclaimed, so proactive protection is crucial.

“Ensuring Clean Water for Margate: 

Amidst concerning reports of PFAS contamination in our water, I stand committed to safeguarding our community’s health. As part of my #KeepMargateGreen initiative, I pledge to address this urgent issue head-on, advocating for stringent water quality standards and transparent testing processes. Together, we’ll fight for a Margate where every tap promises clean and safe water.”

Smart Development and the Development of our Down Town

As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to

By balancing smart growth with environmental stewardship, a Margate city commissioner can help create a sustainable and thriving community that meets the needs of current and future generations

Margates Businesses and Downtown
As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to
Some people have said Margate can not bring in good businesses, but they are wrong,  I know we can.
  • Marketing and Branding:

  • Develop a strong brand identity for the downtown area. Highlight its unique features, history, and culture.

  • Use social media, websites, and local publications to promote the downtown and its business opportunities.

  • Create spaces where startups and small businesses can thrive. Consider establishing business incubators or co-working hubs.

  • Provide resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help new businesses succeed.

  • Target Specific Industries:

  • Identify industries that align with Margate’s strengths and demographics. For example, tech startups, creative studios, specialty retail, restaurants, and entertainment

  • Tailor your efforts to attract businesses in those sectors.

Remember, persistence and collaboration are key. By working closely with local stakeholders, business owners, and the community, we can create an environment that attracts diverse businesses and revitalize and build  Margate’s downtown. 🌟

Margates First Responders Firefighters, Paramedics, and Police

As your voice in Margate, I will have the ability to

  • Assess Current Needs: Conduct a thorough assessment of the current equipment, training, and protocols to identify any gaps or areas for improvement

  • Update Equipment: Ensure that all personal protective equipment (PPE) and gear meet the latest safety standards. This includes respiratory protection, which is crucial for safeguarding against toxic atmospheres and contaminants

  • Training and Education: Provide continuous training and education for first responders to keep them updated on the latest safety practices and emergency response techniques

  • Compliance with Standards: Ensure that all operations comply with OSHA requirements for workplace safety and health standards and make sure our first responders always have the staff, and the tools to continue to do the first-rate job they do


  • @Juli4Margate

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Political advertisement paid for & approved by Juli VanDerMeulen for Margate City Commission Seat 1

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