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Margate City Hall to Vote For Juli For Margate City Commission Seat 1

Let's Make a Difference & Build
Margate's Future Together


New Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community

I am running for Margate City Commissioner Seat 1 because Margate deserves the most qualified candidate.
Let's build our city's future together.

As a resident of Margate for 37 years and a homeowner since 1992, I have deep roots in this community. My three children were born and raised in Margate, and my oldest son who has been a Paramedic for 10 years and lives on the Carolina Golf Course here in Margate with his wife, and my three grandchildren. 

My granddaughter goes to Margate Elementary, which over the years we have been actively involved with. My middle son Tyler studied Culinary Arts and Computer Gaming at Miami Dade College and is currently working for Home Depot and just got engaged.  My daughter Sarah is currently attending College and works at Coopers Hawk as a Hostess and Planner and wants to pursue a career in Dentistry.  
My service to Margate extends beyond my personal life, as I have had the honor of serving on the Planning and Zoning Board. Furthermore, my commitment to understanding and serving our city led me to attend the Margate Citizens Academy, where I gained in-depth knowledge of how our city operates. My 92-year-old mother-in-law who lives in Margate in Paradise Gardens for 38 years and is still very active in the community.  She worked for the City of Margate's Senior Center for many years before she retired.  Senior issues are very important to me and we need to ensure that all of our Senior's needs are met.  

I spent many of my weekends taking classes at the Coral Springs Fire Academy where I was certified by FEMA as a Certified Emergency Response Team Member to help my community in times of disasters and emergencies. I also served as the President of my HOA as well as I am a founding member of the Margate Flag Committee and a Founding Member of KOMIM (Keeping Our Money In Margate). I am committed to making our diverse community a welcoming, safe, and thriving place for all.
My experience as a Forbes top-rated business owner and community leader has prepared me to tackle the challenges facing Margate. I believe in transparency, accountability,  and collaboration, and  I am committed to working with residents, business owners, and other stakeholders to build a brighter future for Margate.

I am environmentally active and a founding member of the group #KeepMargateGreen.  We are very concerned about investors trying to develop the Carolina Golf Course. The reason we bought our beautiful homes here was because of the Carolina Golf Course. Along with a key group of members, we spent many weekends and holidays attending community events while getting signatures from the community against the paving over of the golf course. Through many neighborhood meetings and protests as well as gathering well over a thousand signatures we were successful in defeating the 13th floor's vision to destroy our beautiful green space. I was active with State Representative Kristin Jacobs, Kristin and I were putting together a plan to present to the Broward County Commissioners to add the 143-acre property to the Broward County Green Space. Unfortunately, before we could complete this plan State Representative Kristin Jacobs passed away and there was no one to fill her shoes. She was one of a kind,  very special, and thanks to Representative Kristin Jacobs our property is certified as a National Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.

"Moreover, I am a strong advocate for smart development that strikes a balance between urban progress and environmental preservation. I believe in fostering sustainable growth that benefits the community without compromising our precious green spaces. Smart development encompasses innovative solutions that prioritize eco-friendly infrastructure, energy-efficient technologies, and green building practices. By embracing such initiatives, we can create a harmonious coexistence between development and nature. It is crucial to explore alternative approaches that promote responsible urban planning while safeguarding the remaining green areas.
I am an animal lover and have rescued many injured and orphaned animals that I have brought to the Sawgrass Nature Center to be rehabilitated and hopefully released if able. I am also a failed foster and have rescued many cats and dogs including a stray pit bull, and after an extensive search for his owners we ended up finding him a great home right here in Margate with a loving family, and we even took him for training with Tom Savoca and Coco the German Shepard.

As I step forward to represent you as a Margate City Commissioner, I bring with me a legacy of service, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment. Let me share a glimpse into my life—a life shaped by duty, honor, and a deep love for our community and country.
I come from a Proud Military and First Responder Heritage: 
My father was a WWII Veteran & served in the Air Force.  He flew in a B17 bomber, courageously completing 26 missions over Germany, and was one of the first planes to bomb Germany during daylight hours to try and cripple Hitler's War Machine. His sacrifice and resilience inspire me every day. My father was injured by an anti-aircraft flak which went through the plane and my father's arm.  Despite his injuries, my father continued to fight and received a Purple Heart. 
Both my brothers served in Vietnam.  They stood on the front lines, defending freedom and upholding our values. Their bravery echoes through generations.

My husband's father served in Korea in the Air Force, he exemplified selflessness and duty. His legacy lives on in our family.

Besides serving our country in the military many of our family members serve as first responders.  My Nephew just won the EMT of the Year award right here in one of our neighboring communities, Lauderhill. His dedication to saving lives is unmatched. He embodies compassion, quick thinking, and unwavering commitment. My son has been a Paramedic for over a decade. He has been on the front lines, providing critical care during emergencies. On his first day as a Paramedic,  he saved a tourist's life on the beach and received an award for this. His resilience and empathy make me immensely proud. My son was one of the few Paramedics who was tasked with going on the COVID Death Ships when they were finally allowed to dock at the Port in Ft. Lauderdale.  Thanks to his and his partner's heroic and selfless efforts these people were able to get off the ship and be taken to  Broward General to receive much-needed medical care. 

My husband received his Bachelor's Degrees in Art and Psychology from the College of Charleston in South Carolina and was Honors Pre-Med.  He started his career after college designing the interiors of Golf and Country Clubs for the Tournament Players Club (TPC) and the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) throughout the country.  Eventually, he would take his talents to the Walt Disney Company in Orlando where he worked as an Artist and Imagineer.  He worked on numerous projects throughout Disney World and Euro-Disney, including the original Star Tours Simulator ride,  Typhoon Lagoon, and Hollywood Studios...  Bruce also spent many weekends at the Coral Springs Fire Academy and is also FEMA Certified to serve our community in the event of emergencies and disasters.  

Bruce is extremely environmentally active and a Master Gardner. He has taken numerous Agricultural, Plant, and Botany courses at Broward College, Florida Atlantic University, and the Cooperative Extension in Davie. He spent many weekends at Markham Park at the Rare Fruit and Vegetable Council's nursery and helped establish their permanent property in Weston.  He is currently active in many local plant groups including Rooted in Broward and the Broward Bromeliad Society.  He has an extensive collection of rare and exotic plants from around the world. Being very active in our community for many years you might have seen him helping the City to give out trees to our residents at our annual Margate City tree giveaways.  He was also very active with the city with our recent Plant and Palm Tree donation from the very generous and philanthropic Field's family, for which he was thrilled to receive recognition from the City Commissioners and a Certificate.

Bruce has been working with several of our current Commissioners to hopefully establish a Community Garden in Margate.  His vision is a piece of land where we can establish a Community Garden that benefits all of Margate's residents.  A place where our residents can come and learn all about gardening and even have their own small space to establish a small garden and practice what they've learned.  With our diverse community, there is a wealth of cultures and knowledge from around the world that can be shared.  Bruce has offered to volunteer his time to teach and help establish this garden.  Whatever abundance of fruits and vegetables the garden grows can either be sold to raise money for the garden or can be donated to local needy families.  With the economy the way it is today, as well as all the toxic chemicals that are being poured into our food chain it's time that our community becomes more self-sustaining

I believe in community-driven leadership.  I will be listening, learning, and acting on your behalf. I am committed to transparency, ensuring that your voice is heard in every decision. Together, we will strengthen Margate, focusing on safety, education, and sustainable growth.

Now that the lawsuit is over and we can now build our downtown we all need to work together to envision and plan for a concept that will change Margate from a Pass-Through Town to a Destination Town.  We need to bring in top-tier restaurants, businesses, and entertainment.  This will take community involvement in building a downtown that rivals our neighboring communities and is something that everyone can be proud of and brings in tax dollars lowering the burden of our residents. 

Despite what's going on currently in other parts of our country the Margate Police Department is doing an excellent job.   We’ll work tirelessly to enhance public safety, by supporting our police and fire departments.
Quality Education is extremely important, as our children are our future.  Our children deserve the best. Let’s invest in schools, teachers, and innovative programs.

We should continue to invest in our parks, sports, cultural events, and local businesses.  This will foster a thriving Margate.

Join Me on this Journey. Feel free to knock on doors with me, attend Commission Meetings, and Share your concerns.  Let's build bridges, not walls.  Together,  we can create an even better Margate. 

Vote Juli Van Der Meulen for Margate City Commissioner Seat 1. Let's write the next chapter together. Remember, our strength lies in unity.  Let's make Margate shine brighter than ever before.  

Please join Team Juli4Margate today and help me make a difference in our community.
You can see that I have invested my past, present, and future in Margate.
Let's Make A Difference and Build Margate's Future Together.

Vote for Juli VanDerMeulen for Margate City Commission Seat 1
Vote for Juli Van Der Meulen on November 5, 2024


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